Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Dance

I seriously can't remember the last time I was this excited about something. Seriously!

Thanks to Facebook, I am back in touch with several friends from my past. One by the name of Nancy. Now, Nancy and I didn't run in the same circles during our high school years. In fact, if you had asked me then I would have told you that Nancy and I probably didn't have anything in common except for the fact we were in the same grade. She likely would have said the same.

Fast forward to 20+ years later, and we are friends via friends on Facebook. Through this I discovered that Nancy and her husband Ken own/run a farm for Icelandic sheep. Interesting to me as a knitter as I've always wondered about spinning my own yarn. This is the part where I realize that there are no accidents in life. :-)

Today, a box arrived from Nancy. A glorious box of goodies that have me full of glee. I haven't got a clue where to start, or what I am doing, but for now I am a child on Christmas morning.

And can I just say how huge this bag of fleece is? I guess I didn't realize exactly how much I was getting. Nancy told me, but in my mind it was A LOT smaller. Don't get me wrong....I'm thrilled it's more than I assumed it would be! And, might I add, that I'm finding that Nancy and I have more in common than I ever would have expected. I rather like her, and probably would have in high school also. Just goes to show that sometimes we need to give others a chance...let them into our lives without letting assumptions get in the way.

Thank you, Nancy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

1 comment:

Nancy Chase said...

I'm so pleased that you're this happy about it! I know you're going to have a good time playing with your new projects. If you need help learning, my favorite book on the subject is: "Hands On Spinning" by Lee Raven.

Good luck!